New strategic plan released
14 July 2021
We are very pleased to present COORDINARE’s Strategic Plan 2021 – 2023. This plan outlines how we will achieve our vision - one coordinated regional health system that provides exceptional care, promotes healthy choices and supports resilient communities.
The past few years have had a severe impact across our region as we experienced drought, the devastating Black Summer bushfires and the COVID-19 pandemic. The full impact of these events on our communities, our economy and our health and wellbeing will take years to unfold.
Natural disasters and the pandemic have also given us insights and opportunities. 2020 has reinforced the importance of working collaboratively across professional and organisational boundaries, listening to consumers and building strong community networks. Our existing strategic alliances and partnerships have allowed us to coordinate, redirect and mobilise services quickly, embed telehealth and virtual health care, deploy additional mental health resources, and support providers to introduce COVID-safe practices. More recently, we have played a vital role in the COVID-19 vaccine rollout.
COORDINARE’s achievements are based on a comprehensive and strategic approach to planning, commissioning and integrating services. Our business model focuses our attention and resources to achieve the greatest impact collectively. Using this approach allows us to consider the diversity and needs of the region and translate strategic priorities into clear and practical activities that result in better health care for people.
Our success depends upon strong partnerships and collaboration. Throughout 2020 we have consulted with our partners and communities to identify our most pressing needs and co-design our commissioned service responses.
Working together, we can harness the energy and influence of our clinical, community, political and organisational leaders from across the region to achieve positive change for our communities.
This Strategic Plan broadly outlines our priorities for action for the next two years. It is firmly grounded on our strengths and provides overarching approaches and priorities that allow for flexibility in the face of change. COORDINARE has selected these priorities to create the greatest impact – transforming health care as we work towards recovery from natural disasters and coexisting with the pandemic.
We thank all the consumers, community representatives, health care providers and stakeholders who have contributed to this Strategic Plan. We look forward to continuing to work together to improve the health and wellbeing of our local communities.