SNSWLHD - Deep Dive Into: Chronic Pain Management Webinar

06:00 pm 13th June 2023

Southern NSW


With a shift in focus towards management of patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, the holistic management of chronic pain patients was difficult to achieve in primary and tertiary care.

The Southern NSW LHD is in a chronic pain crisis with a large gap in the availability of specialised services. The evidence shows that coordination of chronic pain management by a GP will exponentially improve outcomes in these patients. The aim of this webinar is to instill confidence in GPs to pharmacologically and holistically manage these patients whilst awaiting further specialised care.

Further, we aim to update attendees on the management of Endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain which is a common presentation in our region. We also hope this is the first step in our region to increasing collaboration between primary and tertiary care in managing chronic pain patients. We hope we may be able to encourage GPs to form working groups with their colleagues to discuss their own cases in order to enable higher satisfaction when caring for their complex patients.


  • Dr. Suyin Tan - Specialist Anaesthetist and pain management physician
  • Dr Tanushree Rao - Specialist Obstetrician and Gynaecologist and Advanced Laparoscopic surgeon


  • Opioid rotation, how to approach weaning discussions with patients, ED approach to management
  • Management of Endometriosis and Chronic pelvic pain
  • Discussion of cases submitted prior to the event

Time: 6:00pm - 9:00pm

Target Audience: GPs and ED physicians in the Southern NSW LHD

Book event here

Dr. Violet Inati - GP Liaison Officer| ED to community project | SNSWLHD 
