Your search has returned 310 results.

  • Update on PPE equipment for primary health workforce

    2 August 2021

    Personal protective equipment (PPE) stock from the National Medical Stockpile has been made available to PHNs to support all primary health care professionals in response to the current COVID-19 outbreak.

    Read more about Update on PPE equipment for primary health workforce
  • New strategic plan released

    14 July 2021

    We are very pleased to present COORDINARE’s Strategic Plan 2021 – 2023. This plan outlines how we will achieve our vision - one coordinated regional health system that provides exceptional care, promotes healthy choices and supports resilient communities.

    Read more about New strategic plan released
  • South Eastern NSW bushfire recovery stories

    12 July 2021

    Community spirit is vital to the resilience and recovery of towns and villages impacted by natural disasters and to the emotional healing of individual community members. Following the 2019/20 bushfires, COORDINARE invited local organisations in bushfire-affected communities to apply for funding for community projects.

    Read more about South Eastern NSW bushfire recovery stories
  • Supporting patients with diabetes during COVID-19

    11 July 2021

    This National Diabetes week (11 - 17 July), COORDINARE sat down with Dr Kathy Michelmore of Lakeside Medical Practice to ask her about the challenges and importance of managing patients with Diabetes in the context of COVID-19.

    Read more about Supporting patients with diabetes during COVID-19
  • Roger, Jo and Justin’s COVID Vaccination Story

    8 July 2021

    Over 150 general practices in South Eastern NSW are administering COVID-19 vaccines, as part of the Federal Government’s vaccination roll-out strategy. It has been nearly 12 weeks since Jo Lill received the COVID vaccine at her local general practice and she intends to get her second dose of AstraZeneca.

    Read more about Roger, Jo and Justin’s COVID Vaccination Story
  • NAIDOC Week 2021: Heal Country

    1 July 2021

    NAIDOC Week celebrations are set to take place throughout the region from 4-11 July, embodying this year's theme - Heal Country!

    The National NAIDOC Committee explains that this year's theme - Heal Country - calls for everyone to continue to seek greater protections for our lands, our waters, our sacred sites and our…

    Read more about NAIDOC Week 2021: Heal Country
  • General practice supporting bowel cancer awareness 

    24 June 2021

    This month is national bowel cancer awareness month which draws attention to the valuable role general practice plays in promoting bowel cancer screening. It also highlights the role general practice plays in encouraging patients to take that final step and have the test.

    Read more about General practice supporting bowel cancer awareness 
  • Sue, Jill and Margaret’s COVID Vaccine Story

    24 June 2021

    People over 70 were amongst the first people offered the COVID-19 vaccine as part of the first phase (Phase 1a) of Australia’s COVID-19 vaccine national roll-out strategy.

    Read more about Sue, Jill and Margaret’s COVID Vaccine Story